Do you get a real tree? If you live or shop anywhere near Keswick Ontario, consider stopping by the Glenwoods Plaza at the corner of Glenwoods and Leslie and buy a boy scout christmas tree. The Newmarket rover crew got special permission from Scouts Canada to continue using the kilt form of the uniform, (how cool is that? Yay for kilts.) and they use the proceeds from tree sales to buy kilts for the members. At 900$ each, kilts would be out of the question for most families if they had to buy them themselves.
This year, they offer scotch and white pine, serbian spruce trees (which look a LOT like the balsam fir's) and of course the balsam fir trees themselves. Prices range from 35-45$ for a tree, and the rovers will trim the trunk and lower branches for you, load it on your vehicle and lash it down.
Andrew and I were there selling trees all day Saturday, he was there Sunday, and will be there again tonight, tomorrow, thursday and next weekend. Trees are being from sold from 6-9 pm on weeknights all this week, and from 9am-6pm Saturday and Sunday.