My world is doing a bit of a somersault at the moment in the happiest way possible! I'm moving in with Andrew! It's not our own place or anything, but I will finally live with my fiance and not have that heavy hearted feeling when I have to say goodbye to him and go home anymore!! I couldn't be happier! I am leaving Bolton, which will mean leaving behind some really great friends and a wonderful work environment, but I'll be starting at a clinic in Newmarket, covering a maternity leave at first, and then maybe working opposite hours to her. All this change will be taking place over the course of the next two weeks, and I'm sure I'll tell you much more about it. For now my brain is slightly baked from the amazing weekend I had at the wasaga beach re-enactment. There were stories told, dances danced with both regency ladies and Metis girls, native drum circles, new friends made, and of course, a swim! On Saturday we went on a "pillaging" raid through the town of wasaga, stopping at Grandma's beach treats icecream shop, McDonalds, and the guardian pharmacy, all proud sponsors of our event. We even scored free ice cream and big mac's! The battles were fantastic, the music moving, and all in all I think that Wasaga is my very favourite event. The highlight of my season so far.