Saturday, July 20, 2013


Today, I turned 24. Happy Birthday to me.
It's funny though, people keep asking me if I feel older. My answer is not today. I feel much older than I did on this day one year ago, but it's all the big events throughout the year that have made me feel grown up, not the turning of this calendar page. It's been a big one. I married the greatest man on the face of the earth. Then with him, I moved to the ends of the earth. Now together, we're working on bringing a new life to this earth. I'm a very different, or at least more grown up version of who I was the day I turned 23. But it wasn't today that did that. Can't wait to see who I am at 25.


small farm girl said...

It HAS been a big year for you!!! Happy Birthday!!!!!

Katou said...

Because I was gone for some time, I'm late for birthday wishes but I want to wish you the very best for the new year that is starting for you. It will be a very special year: the birth of your first child. Hope you won't be sick all the time of your pregnancy.