Tuesday, July 16, 2013

BIG News Folks

Perhaps, just maybe, you can see it in your hearts to forgive my LONG LONG absence, when you see what I was trying soo very hard to keep my lip buttoned about?
That's right, I've got a little bun in the oven!! And like any ecstatic mommy to be, it was really all I could think about, all I felt like writing about. And I know that family members read this blog so I had to make sure I had time to tell them all in person first. Afterall, mom wouldn't want to find out her daughter is pregnant through her blog. I wouldn't in her shoes.
This is the first scan of my little bean. It was taken at only 6 weeks, so not a whole lot to see actually. But hey, I grewed it myself. I'm quite proud. The big hollow thing that looks like a head at first is actually the yolk sac. Who knew humans have yolks? That feeds the baby for the first while until the placenta gets established enough to take over. The little white bit to the right of that that I first thought was the body is the whole entire baby. The shoot off up towards the top of the screen that I thought might be an arm is more likely the beginning of the umbilical cord. Nifty huh? Not really something we were planning on just yet, but now that the baby's on it's way we're both so thrilled about it.
And, because that's not enough excitement yet, we're also moving in August. To a much smaller place. A one bedroom, trailer unit. Kinda sounds counterintuitive, but I'm ok with being a little squished for about a year because we'll be saving tonnes, and able to buy ourselves a home that much sooner. What the heck, most babies spend more of the first year in their parent's room than the nursery anyways. I'll tell you more about the place as we get closer to the move and I start taking some pictures. We take possession August 1st but don't really have to be out of here until Sept 1st, so we'll have some time to paint and redecorate the place as we like, and move bit by bit. I won't be able to do much heavy lifting, so it'll be nice to have the time to take things slow and steady.
I'm babysitting 3 kids for part of the summer just to keep me out of trouble, and add a little spending money to the budget. That should end right about the time we get the trailer, so really it's worked out beautifully.


small farm girl said...

Congratulations!!!!! Sounds like you will be having a lot to blog about! :)

Katou said...

Wow! Congratulations for the good news. I'm happy for you and wish you a nice pregnancy. It's a very special time in a woman's life.