Wednesday, February 15, 2012


My wonderful sweetheart made me this plaque for Valentine's Day. It's got a bear's paw (his favourite animal) and a wolf paw (which is mine). The lettering is a style of script he found in a celtic book printed in the 1700's, and the gaelic words "Gaol gu brath" which roughly translate to eternal love. What a sweetheart huh? I couldn't think of a better Valentine's gift.
He's gone and started himself a blog he calls Bear Anvil Forge, so if you'd like to know a little bit more about the making of this gift you could click here.
I gave him a card, it wasn't much but he really seemed to appreciate it. And then I made the poor fella come down to Mississauga with me to drive my new car home. That's right, the financing went through on my baby! She's parked in the driveway as I type. I now own a car. It's a big deal here!
A great day overall!

1 comment:

farmgirlwanabe said...

Congrates on the car and the neat plaque - I will check his blog out.

have a great week