Tuesday, January 15, 2013


After packing overzealously last week, it was like a mini christmas finding my semi packed camp bag today. Important things like a deck of playing cards, allergy meds, hand cream and a spare belly button ring that I have the good sense to pack for a 2 day weekend, somehow I forgot to leave out for myself for a long car/train trip and up to two weeks without access to our stuff. Funny how I missed all four of those things. Also, the only hat and pair of mitts I haven't packed yet was found in my camp bag. Hallelujah. I guess I've got kit lists to pack for camp, but nobody ever gives you a kit list for life!
Besides, when I started packing I thought we'd be in Moosonee already, and that our stuff would be there too. What better way to call down chaos that to start thinking you've got everything under control. 

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