Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sourdough Take 2

Back in the summer I decided to try to make my own sour dough starter. At that time, I didn't really have a lifestyle conducive to nurturing a baby sourdough culture. I was always either leaving to go visit Andrew, or go to girl guide camp, or a re-enactment event. The starter went mouldy on me, and started to smell funky, so I abandoned the pursuit for a while.
My lifestyle is very different now. I live and work in one place, and no longer have to travel to visit my fiance... because now I have a husband who lives here with me! What a concept. Re-enacting also doesn't happen anywhere near this far north. I'm quite the home body with plenty of time on my hands, and so:
Sourdough starter, take two. It's already bubbly and healthy and actively doubles in size in a very short time. It's even starting to lose the normal, yeasty bread smell and start to take on that sharp sour tang we all know and love as the hallmark of sourdough. I can't wait! In fact, it's doing so well and looking and smelling so good that I think I'll try to make something of it tomorrow. It won't quite have the same fully developed flavour that it eventually will, but it'll be fun to play with nonetheless. 

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